In today’s world, when you want to enter an IT field, many people will test you in your aptitude before even considering testing your technical knowledge. This is how they filter and appoint in this modern era. This test is generally used as a rejection filter, to select the best possible candidates. Historically speaking, about 80% of the candidates will fail to clear this test.

A normal aptitude comprises of quantitative, reasoning and verbal skills test. The syllabus may broadly be the same for each and every aptitude, but the pattern will be differently adapted by each company according to their requirements.

Tips for Aptitude

  • Identifying the strengths and weaknesses within you. Build on the strength and neutralize the weakness by learning the required tips and tricks.

  • Improve your accuracy and speed. Learn new techniques and keep yourself updated.

  • Answer the right question, because it is better to answer some questions correctly rather than answering all questions wrongly.

  • Always decide correctly on how to approach a question correctly. You may use various methods, but the ultimate goal is to get the right answer.

  • Practice all the tests online: Remember practice makes a man perfect. There are millions of free tests online. Practice with them to get a very good result.

  • Get the right Tools: Getting all the right tools is also very essential for a good result in tests.

  • Environment: When practicing for the test, make sure the environment you are working in is a peaceful and a healthy one.

  • ASSESOR: Choose a wise person to assess your aptitude test and make sure you pay attention to his advice. Remember the advice provided to you by that person will be genuinely good and will help you a long way in your career.

  • Don’t get upset: Don’t get upset or bogged down if you do not know answer to any questions, rather confidently answer the questions you know to answer.

  • Move on: If you think some questions will take a long time to answer, skip it and attend those questions in the end if you have any time left in your tank.

  • Wild Guess: Wild guessing is a no-no as far as answering questions are concerned.

  • Working on paper: Remember to get used to working on paper as it will help you a long way in answering the aptitude questions quickly and on the spot.

These are all just a few tips in getting a good result. But a lot of will power, determination, practice and most importantly commitment is required to get through this grudging test.

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