Jobs in Nigeria is becoming alarmingly scarce, no thanks to the lack of industrial development that has plagued the country in recent times. A country that is blessed with rich mineral resources has found herself struggling with massive unemployment for decades. Jobs have become very scarce due to lack of infrastructural developments.

We are going to attempt to take a critical look at the major causes of unemployment and then proffer possible solution to the state of massive unemployment that has place most of the youths in the streets and driving most into a life of crime.

Overview of Nigeria
Nigeria is a country blessed with natural resources and is considered the giant of Africa. This is largely because of its vast population as it is considered the most populous black nation. Nigeria is made up of many tribes and people from different ethnic groups. The country is shared into different geopolitical zones e.g south-south, sout-west, south-east, north, middle belt etc.

Nigeria had her independence from her colonial masters on October 1st, 1960. Since then, the country has been struggling to find its feet among the developed nation in the world. There are some major factors that have been mitigating against the growth of Nigeria as a country thereby causing the acute scarcity of job vacancies in Nigeria.

General job information in Nigeria
Nigerian universities produce an average of seventy thousand graduates and these compared to the rate of job vacancies creation is overwhelming. There are nearly not enough job openings to to absorb the teeming job seekers. These lack of job vacancies in Nigeria has become a task most administration have been trying to tackle for the past years to no avail. The most available jobs available in Nigeria are banking jobs, accounting jobs, telecom jobs and Government jobs. Others are Engineering jobs, IT jobs etc.

How to search for jobs in Nigeria
Due to high unemployment rate, the little jobs that are available are highly coveted. When searching for a job in Nigeria, it is advisable to use the following tips:
1. Ensure your are qualified for the position sort for.
2. Research the desired firm and know every thing you can about it.
3. Use the internet as a research tool when searching for vacancies in Nigeria.
4. Prepare your self for an interview by getting the necessary interview tips.

Top employing Firms in Nigeria
The following are the top employing companies/sectors in Nigeria.
1. Government: The are singularly the entity that employs most Nigeria. Its pay is on the average and working conditions are okay with a suitable job security.

2. Telecom Firms e.g MTN Nigeria, Vmobile, Airtel, Visafone, Globacom. Good jobs can be found in the abobe listed firms.
3. Banks: Banking jobs are also available in Nigeria e.g Zenith bank, Oceanic bank, UBA, Intercontinental Bank etc.

We hope the above will help you in landing your next big job in Nigeria.

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