Save the Children Job Vacancies (4 Positions)Posted on Wed 31st Aug, 2011 - --- (4 comments)

Save the Children Nigeria isa leading international organization helping children in need around the world, focusing on child survival, nutrition, education and protecting children. As the world's leading independent children's charity, Save the Children inspires dramatic change for children around the globe. And Nigeria is one of five priority countries for the Alliance popular campaign in child survival. We are looking for experienced staff to support the implementation of the organization's programme across the country.
The candidate must be a graduate with excellent spoken and written English language, excellent IT expertise and excellent presentation and communication skills to large audience.

1.)  M&E and Effective Programme Manager
Kano State

Ensure implementation of the M&E plan for improving Nutrition Programme, including monitor progress against activity and critical milestones as well as providing support and guidance to STAs, LTAs and Government counterparts
A professional qualification at postgraduate level or equivalent in health, economics or epidemiology is desired. Advanced training in quantitative methodologies, including database management.

2.)  State Technical Advisor
Zamfara State

To strengthen the capacity of the State Nutrition Officer (SNO) and deputy(s), if applicable, management, delivery and advocacy of cost-effective malnutrition prevention and treatment interventions.

A Bachelor's degree in programme management, health and nutrition, or related social science. Strong programme management background with least 5 years of professional experience managing health and/or nutrition programmes.

3.)  Infant and Young Child Feeding Technical Advisor

Kano State


Support implementation of IYCF activities by providing training and guidance to STAs, LTAs and Government counterparts.
Health background (doctor, nurse, midwife, etc) with least 5 years of professional experience, 3 years experience on IYCF and breastfeeding counseling.

4.)  Advocacy Officer

Abuja, FCT

The Advocacy Officer will direct Save the Children’s efforts to influence and bring about change in the awareness, attitudes, behaviors and polices related to the rights of children in the country programme with special focus on Nutrition.
University degree in health, nutrition, communications, law or related social sciences field.
Substantial experience in advocacy and policy development/research on the development context.

Application Deadline
12th September, 2011

How To Apply
Our selection processes reflects our commitment to the protection of children from abuse. Our peoples are as diverse as the challenges we face.
Send your CV and covering letter explaining why you are suitable to:

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